суббота, 29 декабря 2018 г.



Meet Sarah! Cristmas is around the corner. Usually her family celebrates by decorating a tree, exchanging gifts and sharing a simple dinner. However, Sarah is really bored of these traditions and wants to see how Christmas is celebrated in different parts of the world. This is why Sarah is having an online get together with her global friends. She shares with them that she usually has to help her mother prepare the traditional turkey for Christmas dinner.
Yuri from Japan says that turkey is not part of a traditional Japanese Christmas dinner. It is actually Kentucky  Fried Chicken. In fact KFC is so popular in Japan during Christmas that reservations must be made weeks in advance. Sarah can hardly imagine that.
Gopal jumps in to say that Christmas trees are different in India too, as fir trees are rare the locals decorate mango trees with Christmas ornaments instead.
But what about Santa Claus. Everyone must believe in that right? Isabelle from Italy tells Sarah that's not true everywhere. Italians believe in an old witch called La Befana instead of Santa Claus. On January 5th she rides the skies and just like Santa jumps down chimneys and tiptoes into children's homes to give them presents

пятница, 14 декабря 2018 г.



1. I _________ (go) to the supermarket tomorrow.
2. My sister _________ (give) me her car when she gets her new one.
3. We _________ (have) a barbecue on Sunday.
4. All my friends _________ (come) to my party next week.
5. We _________ (take) my niece to Aquapark later today.
6. The train _________ (leave) in ten minutes.
7. We _________ (go) to the zoo tomorrow.
8. On Friday I _________ (go) to Rob´s party.
9. My teacher _________ (go) to school tomorrow.
10. Rhonda _________ (stay in) on Friday.

среда, 12 декабря 2018 г.


Can we conduct a lesson



1. I _________ (go) to the supermarket tomorrow.
2. My sister _________ (give) me her car when she gets her new one.
3. We _________ (have) a barbecue on Sunday.
4. All my friends _________ (come) to my party next week.
5. We _________ (take) my niece to Aquapark later today.
6. The train _________ (leave) in ten minutes.
7. We _________ (go) to the zoo tomorrow.
8. On Friday I _________ (go) to Rob´s party.
9. My teacher _________ (go) to school tomorrow.
10. Rhonda _________ (stay in) on Friday.

пятница, 7 декабря 2018 г.


Put the verb into the correct form. Use either the present simple or the present continuous.
1. Please don't make so much noise. I __________________ (study).
2. How many languages __________________ (Tom speak).
3. I __________________ (not/belong) to a political party.
4. Hurry! The bus __________________ (come). I __________________ (not/want) to miss it.
5. The River Nile __________________ (flow) into the Mediterranean.
6. The river __________________ (flow) very fast today — much faster than usual.
7. __________________ (it/ever/snow) in India?
8. We usually __________________ (grow) vegetables in our garden, but this year we __________________ (not/grow) any.
9. A: Can you drive?
B: No, but I __________________ (learn). My father __________________ (teach) me.
10. You can borrow my umbrella. I __________________ (not/need) it at the moment.



вторник, 27 ноября 2018 г.




Put the verb into the correct form. Use either the present simple or the present continuous.
1. Please don't make so much noise. I __________________ (study).
2. How many languages __________________ (Tom speak).
3. I __________________ (not/belong) to a political party.
4. Hurry! The bus __________________ (come). I __________________ (not/want) to miss it.
5. The River Nile __________________ (flow) into the Mediterranean.
6. The river __________________ (flow) very fast today — much faster than usual.
7. __________________ (it/ever/snow) in India?
8. We usually __________________ (grow) vegetables in our garden, but this year we __________________ (not/grow) any.
9. A: Can you drive?
B: No, but I __________________ (learn). My father __________________ (teach) me.
10. You can borrow my umbrella. I __________________ (not/need) it at the moment.

вторник, 6 ноября 2018 г.



Key Vocabulary [Top]

  • catch (verb): to get on
    - I have to catch a bus in front of the bus station.
  • get off work (verb): finish work
    - She seldom gets off work before 6:00 p.m.
  • dinner (noun): sometimes supper
    - We seldom eat dinner after 8:00 p.m.
  • stay up (verb): not go to bed
    - I almost never stay up past midnight.
  • set aside (verb): reserve, allow, or give a certain amount to
    - You have to set aside enough time to study for your classes.
  • toughest (adjective): most difficult, hardest
    - The toughest part about being a parent is setting aside time for both work, family, and self.
  • take care of (verb): watch, look after
    - You should take care of yourself so you don't get sick.
  • groceries (noun): food and other items at a supermarket
    - Mom is going to pick up some groceries from the store for dinner.

Woman: So, what's your usual day like? You always seem so busy.
Man: Well, I usually get up around 5:00 a.m. and work on the computer until 6:00 a.m.
Woman: Why do you get up so early?
Man: Well, I have to leave home at twenty to seven (6:40 a.m.) so I can catch a bus at 7:00 o'clock . It takes me about twenty minutes to walk to the bus stop from my house.
Woman: And what time do you get to work?
Man: Uh, my bus takes about an hour to get there, but it stops right in front of my office.
Woman: That's nice. And what time do you get off work?
Man: Uh, around 5:00 o'clock. Then, we eat dinner around 6:30, and my wife and I read and play with the kids until 8:00 or so.
Woman: So, when do you work on your website? You said one time that you create it at home?
Man: Well, my wife and I often watch TV or talk until 10:00 o'clock. She then often reads while I work on my site, and I sometimes stay up until the early hours of the morning, but I try to finish everything by one or two.
Woman: And then you get up at 5:00 a.m.?
Man: Well, yeah, but it's important to live a balanced life. I enjoy what I do, but you have to set aside time for the family and yourself.
Woman: I agree.
Man: But I think my wife has the toughest job. She spends her whole day taking care of our family . . . taking the kids to school, working in the garden, buying groceries, taking the kids to piano lessons . . . [Wow!] It's a full-time job, but she enjoys what she does.
Woman: Well, it sounds like you're a busy, but lucky man.

Man: I think so too.

суббота, 3 ноября 2018 г.





Key Vocabulary [Top]

  • catch (verb): to get on
    - I have to catch a bus in front of the bus station.
  • get off work (verb): finish work
    - She seldom gets off work before 6:00 p.m.
  • dinner (noun): sometimes supper
    - We seldom eat dinner after 8:00 p.m.
  • stay up (verb): not go to bed
    - I almost never stay up past midnight.
  • set aside (verb): reserve, allow, or give a certain amount to
    - You have to set aside enough time to study for your classes.
  • toughest (adjective): most difficult, hardest
    - The toughest part about being a parent is setting aside time for both work, family, and self.
  • take care of (verb): watch, look after
    - You should take care of yourself so you don't get sick.
  • groceries (noun): food and other items at a supermarket
    - Mom is going to pick up some groceries from the store for dinner.

Woman: So, what's your usual day like? You always seem so busy.
Man: Well, I usually get up around 5:00 a.m. and work on the computer until 6:00 a.m.
Woman: Why do you get up so early?
Man: Well, I have to leave home at twenty to seven (6:40 a.m.) so I can catch a bus at 7:00 o'clock . It takes me about twenty minutes to walk to the bus stop from my house.
Woman: And what time do you get to work?
Man: Uh, my bus takes about an hour to get there, but it stops right in front of my office.
Woman: That's nice. And what time do you get off work?
Man: Uh, around 5:00 o'clock. Then, we eat dinner around 6:30, and my wife and I read and play with the kids until 8:00 or so.
Woman: So, when do you work on your website? You said one time that you create it at home?
Man: Well, my wife and I often watch TV or talk until 10:00 o'clock. She then often reads while I work on my site, and I sometimes stay up until the early hours of the morning, but I try to finish everything by one or two.
Woman: And then you get up at 5:00 a.m.?
Man: Well, yeah, but it's important to live a balanced life. I enjoy what I do, but you have to set aside time for the family and yourself.
Woman: I agree.
Man: But I think my wife has the toughest job. She spends her whole day taking care of our family . . . taking the kids to school, working in the garden, buying groceries, taking the kids to piano lessons . . . [Wow!] It's a full-time job, but she enjoys what she does.
Woman: Well, it sounds like you're a busy, but lucky man.

Man: I think so too.

среда, 24 октября 2018 г.


The first thing I do after getting up is always ______________.
After my shower I __________________________. I normally have ______and _______with a cup of coffee. When I have finished breakfats I________________________
Most days I leave the house at_______and walk to the _______________, which is two minutes_____________..
I usually take the ________________because it quicker. But sometomes I ____________.
From ___________________________________ If I'm busy I have a sandwich at my desk for lunch. Otherwise I go to the nearest ________________________
. After sitting infront of the computer screen for most of the day ________________________________
. So after work I________________________________
In the evening I like to relax by listening ________________ with a glass of _______.
I rarely ______________________. But on Saturdays I often go to the movies _____________________
I usually go to bed at _________________ but if I'm tired I go to bed _______________________
One thing I never do _________________ it stops me from sleeping

среда, 17 октября 2018 г.



Fill in all the blanks, then press "Check" to check your answers.
1. You are here, 
2. We are happy, 
3. They are busy, 
4. He is tall, 
5. She is fast, 
6. It is cold, 
7. (Formal English) I am tall, 
8. (Spoken English) I am smart, 
9. You are not Italian, 
10. We are not late, 
11. They are not angry, 
12. He is not nice, 
13. She is not lazy, 
14. It is not hot, 
15. I am not lazy, 

пятница, 12 октября 2018 г.



Exercise 2: Adding Tag Questions to Sentences with the Verb BE

Fill in all the blanks, then press "Check" to check your answers.
1. We are worried, 
2. We are not famous, 
3. They are not happy, 
4. It is not rainy, 
5. You are not fat, 
6. John is home, 
7. Magen is fast, 
8. (Formal English) I am loud, 
9. I am not young, 
10. (Spoken English) I am better, 
11. You are brave, 
12. A ball is round, 
13. He is not rude, 
14. They are busy, 
15. She is not old, 

Fill in all the blanks, then press "Check" to check your answers.
1. You work hard, 
2. We like swimming, 
3. They buy food there, 
4. He plays the piano, 
5. She studies abroad, 
6. It rains a lot, 
7. I eat cheese, 
8. You don’t work here, 
9. We don’t use forks, 
10. They don’t travel much, 
11. He doesn’t live here, 
12. She doesn’t bake cakes, 
13. It doesn’t stop, 
14. I don’t play basketball, 


  Examples When do I have to be there? I haven't got a clue at all. That glue is really strong. I really can't do it.