четверг, 1 августа 2019 г.


 I bought my  yesterday but I can't use it. I can't use my software. In the manual, it was written : 'easy to  ' !
 If you want this text to be , you'd better  it into your clipboard.  the main ,search the function 'Save to clipboard' in your  and  on it. Then  your text into your new document.

 My picture is pretty good! I am going to  it and publish it on my blog.

 My  is full: there are too many  from Nadine. I must , but her  was  when my computer crashed and I can't remember it.

 Thank you for giving me your email address. My address is 'tom_smiths@myprovider.com'  not in capitals.

 I've just joined this new site. I am  but I am trying to find on the  where I can . Perhaps I should contact the  ! 

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  Examples When do I have to be there? I haven't got a clue at all. That glue is really strong. I really can't do it.