среда, 24 октября 2018 г.


The first thing I do after getting up is always ______________.
After my shower I __________________________. I normally have ______and _______with a cup of coffee. When I have finished breakfats I________________________
Most days I leave the house at_______and walk to the _______________, which is two minutes_____________..
I usually take the ________________because it quicker. But sometomes I ____________.
From ___________________________________ If I'm busy I have a sandwich at my desk for lunch. Otherwise I go to the nearest ________________________
. After sitting infront of the computer screen for most of the day ________________________________
. So after work I________________________________
In the evening I like to relax by listening ________________ with a glass of _______.
I rarely ______________________. But on Saturdays I often go to the movies _____________________
I usually go to bed at _________________ but if I'm tired I go to bed _______________________
One thing I never do _________________ it stops me from sleeping

среда, 17 октября 2018 г.



Fill in all the blanks, then press "Check" to check your answers.
1. You are here, 
2. We are happy, 
3. They are busy, 
4. He is tall, 
5. She is fast, 
6. It is cold, 
7. (Formal English) I am tall, 
8. (Spoken English) I am smart, 
9. You are not Italian, 
10. We are not late, 
11. They are not angry, 
12. He is not nice, 
13. She is not lazy, 
14. It is not hot, 
15. I am not lazy, 

пятница, 12 октября 2018 г.



Exercise 2: Adding Tag Questions to Sentences with the Verb BE

Fill in all the blanks, then press "Check" to check your answers.
1. We are worried, 
2. We are not famous, 
3. They are not happy, 
4. It is not rainy, 
5. You are not fat, 
6. John is home, 
7. Magen is fast, 
8. (Formal English) I am loud, 
9. I am not young, 
10. (Spoken English) I am better, 
11. You are brave, 
12. A ball is round, 
13. He is not rude, 
14. They are busy, 
15. She is not old, 

Fill in all the blanks, then press "Check" to check your answers.
1. You work hard, 
2. We like swimming, 
3. They buy food there, 
4. He plays the piano, 
5. She studies abroad, 
6. It rains a lot, 
7. I eat cheese, 
8. You don’t work here, 
9. We don’t use forks, 
10. They don’t travel much, 
11. He doesn’t live here, 
12. She doesn’t bake cakes, 
13. It doesn’t stop, 
14. I don’t play basketball, 

суббота, 6 октября 2018 г.




- _________________! THis is the office & this is Karen.
- Hello Karen!
- Karen this is Jennifer Zelinsky from the New York office.
-Hello Jennifer!
- _________________________________.
-Karen is our administrator. We all _________________________.
- Don't listen to Rob.
- But it's true!
- _________________________________?
- Yes it is. _______________________________ in Europe.  I have family in ________________.
-Really? And where ___________________________________?
- In Manhattan. __________________________________?
- Yes. My sister lives in Brooklyn.
-I have family in Brooklyn too. _________________________________________?
- Jennifer!
- Nice to meet you. At last. Would you like something to drink? Tea, coffee, water?
- No. I'm fine thanks.
- Great! Oh, Karen ___________________________________________?
- At 12 o'clock .
- That's good! We have time. Ok. ____________________________________________.
-THank you.
- ______________________, Rob
-Yes, sue.

WB 26


  Examples When do I have to be there? I haven't got a clue at all. That glue is really strong. I really can't do it.